Author Archives: bubba.lamolinare

Specialty Crop Production in Yoakum County

Howdy- My name is Bubba Lamolinare.  I am the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Agent for Yoakum County.  I wanted to introduce myself and my blog series.  In this blog I will explore the history of specialty crop production in Yoakum County. Yoakum County has a rich heritage of growing a variety of specialty crops such as peppers, gourds, pumpkins, grapes and watermelon.  In the past, water for irrigation was much more plentiful, and that allowed area producers to grow many different crops.  Pepper production was a major… Read More →

Starting a Home Garden

Home gardening continues to grow in popularity.  One of every three families does some type of home gardening, according to conservative estimates, with most gardens located in urban areas.  Texas gardeners can produce tasty, nutritious vegetables year-round.  To be a successful gardener you will need to follow a few basic rules and make practical decisions. Selecting a garden site is extremely important.  The ideal garden area gets full or nearly full sunlight and has deep, well-drained, fertile soil.  The gardens should be near a water outlet but not… Read More →